How to Waste $714.66 Money on Amazon


How to Waste $714.66 Money on Amazon


Money on Amazon
Money on Amazon

Ken Bolido. - Yeah. - [Commentator] Happy birthday my friend. - Can I open my eyes? - [Commentator] You can open your eyes. (squeaking) (laughing) - [Ken] Here, I'll do you a solid. - [Ken] Wait dude. Oh no. Great, great, great. I already hate it. Oh, it's balloons! Oh, it's balloons! Oh, I thought it was something else. - [Man Throwing Box] I'mnot used to throwing items. This is very strange. I'm gonna throw them from over here. - What is this? DEMA! Wait... more? Wait stop burning all your- Wait are you throwing literallyeverything to me right now? Wait, what? Wait, wait, wait, wait,hold on one at a time, dude. Have you ever seen Mystery Tech before? Let's see. What do we got here? These look like gloves, but I'm going to just guessthat they are not ordinary gloves. (upbeat background music) Okay. What the... (laugh) These are shiny! Wait, wait, knowing, knowing you guys, cause we did this once before. Do they light up? Are they supposed to light up? - [Man Behind Camera] They are. - You would think that it would be intuitive enough to have a power button somewhere apparently obvious. That. The button is whereyour inner ankle would be. Inner ankle is it? Your- - [Man Behind Camera] Yeah. - Yeah. Oh it turned on! It's red. Wait, can I change the color? Red, red. If you just have red and a flashing red. That's uh, that's handy.So continuing the trend. We have these shining glasses. - [Man Behind Camera] Yeah. It's looking awfullydangerous right there. - These look very awful. I'm in the future ladies and gentlemen. Wow. Why is the nose bridgecompletely part plastic? Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world - [Man Behind Camera]

YeahI'm not really good at being on page... or tone or key. Whatever the music- - Or talking. All right. What is this? What can this be? It's a hooded thing. Oh my God. It's Kiryu Coco. - Who? (laughing) So what's your, what's your basically makingme do is wear a V tuber thing over my other V tuber thing. - [Man Behind Camera] Uh, yes. - [Ken] This is like, if someone told me what peoplewear to rave and I just, (laughing) but I was blind and Ijust bought everything. That's what this is. - [Man Behind Camera] Oh, look at that. Look at that. - [Ken] I look like everyone of ASUS' products, Republic of gamers. - [Man Behind Camera] Well!I'd like to formally apologize to ASUS for Ken's comments. I do not condone themin any way whatsoever. - Hi, my name is Ken StrixBolito. How's it going? God, what am I doing? - [Man Behind Camera] So,Ken, I think it's actually time for mystery tech, now that you have your wardrobe. - Wait that wasn't mystery tech? - [Man Behind Camera] No, thatwas just uh, your wardrobe. - I'll keep the bow- Oh wait no I can't- Ah!  actually boughttech for mystery tech. - [] Yeah I know,pretty novel concept huh. - It is a novel concept.I wish I learned it. Okay. So  got mean, A-1 headphone adapter, which is a USBC deck. Literally know nothing about this- - [] So let me tell you, it is very highly reviewed on Amazon. It's like the best step upfrom like the headphone adapter that comes in the box for you. - Ah! The NBRZX 1-10 Of course! Powerful high quality sound. Sure. Let me take alook at this deck first. That's a really excessive box for what is a normal size looking dongle.It passed all of its reports. Pass, pass, pass, pass, pass. No fails. Must be good. I mean, I went to art school,so I didn't really matter. You went to art school too. And that was my professor fun fact.


And lookwhere you both ended up. - Well, I was going to say like, I'm upper management for Matt. So look at, look at where we- (yelling) sometimes, sometimes your professors just end up being your subordinates. Sometimes, sometimes lifejust works out like that. I don't know. (crinkling) - [Ken] As expected ofthese plastic Sony cans, they feel very lightweight.They feel very plastic-y. But honestly, I feel like that's what somepeople want because you're going to be using thiswhen you're running, you're going to beusing this on the train. Sometimes not everyone wantsto wear expensive headphones out for whatever reason that might be, but these should actuallysound pretty decent. I believe I've used aversion of these before. Like these have beenaround for quite a while. - [] I can definitely confirm. I used to use a pair of these headphones. These are a classic. - [Ken] The volume is prettyloud. Even at around like 80%. I probably wouldn't Jackit up higher than that. So there's a lot ofheadroom with this DAC, for these headphones, whichis really nice to see. It sounds fantastic. What I really like aboutthese Sony headphones, especially for a lot of Sonyheadphones in this price range is the base response. Soit's not incredibly Boom-y, but there is a lot of basic detail there, but it doesn't compromisethe mids and highs as much as I thought it would like the treble actually sounds pretty good. The vocals come out really well on this. This is a very well rounded pair for, you said less than 20 bucks, right? - [] The deck was $15 and those headphones are only $9.99. - Are you serious? Theseheadphones are 10 bucks? - [] Yup. - Holy crap. - [] So $25 for the pair of those. - This is a really good set. Holy crap. - [] So Kent are you trying to say that when I incorporatetech and mystery tech, I do a good job? - I would hope so. The expectation is that youknow about this stuff, not me. You almost did the Z-flip. –

Good catch. - Now, if you're wondering how is paying for all this mystery tech stuff, it is thanks to the sponsorof today's video mint, mobile, who has been working toslash phone bills down to $15 a month since 2016, by cutting out the instore retail experience, putting it all online andpassing on the savings to you. I think that was apretty good sales pitch. I try my best. Try my best. You might've heard of mint mobile from a thing that happened last year, but they're days away now fromlaunching a brand new plan that is unlimited talk, textand data for $30 a month. 30 bucks, . 30 bucks, which is less than half, of what the big carriers charge. And on top of that, youget the same reliability. With that, you get 35gigs of high speed data, which you can access on4G or 5G depending on which one's stronger. And in addition, ifyou have other devices, you have five gigs ofmobile hotspot included. I've really been liking thespeed and reliability of mint mobile. So if that's got you curious, definitely go check out thelink in the description. Or go to and huge thanks to them forsponsoring mystery tech. What is in here? Oh, I already know. I already know. I see it peeking. This is the Sony 1000 X Mark four. Active noise canceling headphones. - [] The question is, do they sound better thanthe $10 pair of headphones? - Probably. - [] I'm gonna think so. - So I will say, probably something Ishouldn't say about my present from  Evans and company, but I think I'll actuallylike the older ones more. - [] What?! - This is saying thembefore even trying them. But, let me explain. One of the main reasons why I think I would like thethousand X Mark threes more, is just because of compatibility. So on the Bluetooth side, this does have LDAC compatibility, which is a Bluetooth Code that's supported on Android anda bunch of Sony products, but the Mark threes werecompatible with Aptx, which is very important ifyou want to use it on a PC, because otherwise you'rekind of stuck with very low end codex.


And I tend to use myBluetooth headphones on my PC. So these probably won't work though. I'll have to try them to make sure though. I don't think I havea PC here to try them, but um, we'll see. - [] Try them on your Z-flip. - I will try them on my Z-flip because at the very least thathas LDAC compatibility. Oh wow. Already the active noisecancellation is heavy on these. Wow. I can barely hear my own voice. Holy crap. The Sony ANC headphones.Always really bass-y, I love it. Ooh. It's just the noisecancellation is so aggressive. Again. I can't hear myselftalk, which is a very- I don't even know what tothink about that actually. It's very weird. Play a song that- playa song that you like, just type something in. Test, test, test, test, test. , , , . Yeah. It's low. It's really low. - Like you can barely hear what people are saying around you. You can almost kind oftell they're talking but you really can't hearthem. It's very oppressive. It's like yeah you really-your head's like in a vacuum. - It's enough to zone yourself in. You can still hear alittle bit around you, but that is the most aggressive that I've heard any wirelessheadphones, for noise cancellation. It's crazy. Wow. Okay. What is this? All right. So this is the robotosaur. He looks very derpy. (laughing) It's okay. He looks like hehas brain damaged already. I don't think that would haveadded or detracted anything. There we go. Oh. That looks stupid. He looks really dumb. [Person Behind Camera]Why are his arms so long? (roaring) (laughing) - Do you want to do something about this? Go, come on, yeah, go. Uh-huh uh-huh. Thatway, that way, that way. (crash) Not even mad, not even mad. God. Why? Why? All right, well. Back in the pen. All right. What did  Evans get me. What the hell is this? The Bob Ross toaster. I like how Mystery Techhas just become both toy dinosaurs and toasters. - [] Happy little treesKen, happy little trees. - Oh, Wes is here withthe fire extinguisher.

That's all right. Oh,  just threw some bread. It's okay. Whew very (censor) at holding bread. When your bread doesn'tfit in the toaster. - [] I mean, that is Artesano bread. Like it's high quality bread. - [Ken] It's not that high quality. It's good. This is actuallythe brand that I buy. - [] Excuse me.Artesano. Get that bread. - It's art-e-sano. Notar-tees-ano, you dumb asses. It's art-e-sano. All right, let's get that bread. (laughing) Okay. So my main problem withthis toaster is that, you know when toast is done, and it's just supposedto (clicks tongue) right? The thing that scares every morning? Yeah. It didn't do that. Which means I'm going tohave to either hand fix this, which I'm not going to do.Cause I like my fingers. - By the way, in this drawer where we hideall of our important things to do videos like screwdrivers, and I fix the kits and whatnot. We also have our (laughing) Naruto kunai's. - [] I mean. (laughing) - We're good. My legs are intact, I didn't stab myself, This one is uh- - [Man Behind Camera] Oh, Ken! - [] Those aren't chopsticks! Oh. - There you go. Bob Rossladies and gentlemen. Bob Ross. - [Man Behind Camera]Can we try and do this to one more piece of bread? - Why? - [] A higher temperature. - [Man Behind Camera]Yes, please. Not zero. - IT did not go down any more. This is the (censor)toaster I've ever seen. See some smoke. - It is actually- I think it will actually combust and light on fire.It has a lot of smoke. - [] It does looka little suspicious. Cause that doesn't look like the nice like steam that looks like actual fire. - [Ken] No, it's it's fine. I'm monitoring it. If it catcheson fire, I'll let you know. Okay. Actually that is burning the bread. - [Man Behind Camera] Oh, pumped out. - Perfect timing. (laughing) Look at that! It actuallylooks like Bob Ross. Ladies and gentlemen here, we have you versus the one shetells you not to worry about. - [Man Behind Camera] Is anyoneworried about him though? - Something's comingup behind me. Isn't it? - [Man Behind Camera] Happy Birthday Ken. - Well enjoy cleaning this up, Matt. Wait, there's another thing? What is even up there on the ceiling? There's a bucket, Oh,there's more bucket stuff. Oh, I see. You just have to keepdoing it and undoing it until more fall down. Okay. That's a lot. I know this is the end ofmystery tech because this ruins all of our continuity in the edit. So thank you very much for watching this episode of Mystery Tech. I hope you enjoyed, If you liked me being onMystery Tech instead of , please let me know in the comments below, otherwise check out our secondary channel. This is where Matt... does something unless 's on camera? Because he's usually on cameramore than Matt nowadays, which is kind of sad. Give Matt all the love andsupport he deserves it. And otherwise, thanks

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