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How to Fix Adobe Premiere Pro System Compatibility Report 2021

hello my friends welcome to this video tutorial  daniel is here from tips to fix and today I will   show you how to deal with this message from adobe  premiere if you have adobe premiere lasted version I mean 2020 adobe premiere 2020 or 20 uh 21 and  lasted, version you will see this error it means   like you don't have the last version  of NVidia Quadro drivers okay I suggest you install lasted version and you can  even go and check for uh the last version of drivers  

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How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

if you don't want to see this message again  because you don't want to update your drivers you   and this message is annoying for you i will  tell you how to uh disable this message   from adobe premiere also i will try to tell  you how to update the drivers for your uh   graphic card but first of all let's continue  with this known issue for the moment okay   but in adobe premiere 2020 is  different than

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

adobe premiere 2019   and i will show you how to deal with this 2020  and the older version of adobe so all methods   to remove this message i will show you today okay  let's open up the premiere for the moment here on the   premiere pro what you have to do you have to go  here on edit go to preferences and go to general   here on the general right now on the settings  click here on the general and here you will see   show system compatibility issues at the  startup disable this option and click ok  

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

and close premiere open up again and here it is now the error disappeared this  is one method how to remove this error or   this reporting issue with your graphic drivers  if you have older version of premiere pro   create a new project test and here click control  and f12 and you will see here the console view   like this and after that you just go here to  debug database view and here you will search for this dev system compatibility  report enable search for this   here i can't find this because i have  lasted version of adobe premiere but if you use older one you will see

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

here listed here  on the list and you can just do from true make it   false this is what you have to do okay search  it here and make it false and click apply   another method how to do this is you  just turn off close adobe premiere   and another method is you just go  to your computer go here on users here on the users find your user and here on the  folder options view here on the view click here   hiding items click show hiding items  and you will see here app data roaming   adobe adobe premiere pro okay premiere pro here you will see your  adobe version i use glasses one  

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

but if you have 13 folder or 14 just click here  and you will see here text document debug database you will see here dev system compatibility  report enable true true and make it false   font like this okay and click save but  look if you are using the lasted version   like I'm using adobe premiere pro 2020 or  2021 you will not see this message because   this this method I'm doing is for older adobe  premiere pro this method I told you on this   tutorial it shows you how to hide this  report or

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

error but this doesn't fix the   problem if you want to fix the problem you  have to update the driver to lasted version let me show you how to upgrade your graphic  card driver okay let me go here back again   go to general and i will i will  show the system compatibility issues   again on the startup because i want it i want  to show you how to update the drivers right now   right click on my computer

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click go to manage here on the manage go to device manager go to  display adapters on my case i have Nvidia Quadro   key 2000 right click on it and update driver   search automatically for drivers and this is my  best driver i have so we don't have any new driver   uh from I'm trying to update from windows but  another option is download Nvidia GeForce drivers in my case it's k-2 driver and I will download the  lasted one let's see what I have we have driver driver version of 451  

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

and let's see who is the lasted on the  on the market go here on the Nvidia drivers all NVidia drivers and search for quattro I will search here for here windows 10 64 bits and I will want this okay just click  search here is the last version   is four five two point five seven okay and  what I have I have four five one uh 48 so I   will download the last version of Nvidia GeForce  driver I will install it and we will see if this   message or if this reporting error from video  card compatibility will disappear

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

so let's see you agree in here you will do the same thing  if you see intel drivers or something like that   just search for your intel model and just go and  download the lasted version of your video card driver what I have to do just trying to  install it here okay click ok yes click agree and continue click express and let's  prepare for installing right now removing previous   version so I will remove this all version of  NVidia driver and we will see the lasted one okay after we successfully installed

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

the last  version of NVidia GeForce control panel drivers   let's control what version we have okay here it is   uh four five two uh 57 so let's see now  premiere pro 2020 if we see any error now okay so as you see I don't have any any  report right now and everything looks   working well for me thank you  guys for watching don't forget   to subscribe tips to fix for more  videos like this god bless you you English All Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Creative Cloud Computers Computer files Related Recently uploaded Watched

Hello everyone welcome to my channel processor tv and today i will show you  guys how you can download   adobe premiere pro for free  on macbook or apple computers all right so just follow along and  you'll be able to download this easily so for the first step you have to  click on the link on the description   and it will take you to my drive so when you click on the link you will  

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

see this so just um click on the download  button and you will be able to download so just click download anyway all right so i have already downloaded  because it's gonna take a while to download so i have already downloaded so  i'll just cancel it right now after you download you can look at the  file in finder and download right here all right so i have adobe premiere pro right here and i i just have to double click it  to open it so just double click it and after that you will able 

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How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

to see tnt this um this thing and don't click on adobe zero right now click on extra so this um complicated step right here you just have to follow closely  right now so click on extra and after that what you have to do is click option so with two finger um click on install  and you will be able to see option for it and in option you have to  click on show package contents after that um click on contents and um  you will be able to see many folders and on that click on the mac  os after that click on insert so now it's saying install  is an app so it's from the  

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

internet so you have to  click on open right now and all right um yep so after that  you have to type your password so after you're done typing your password just  wait for some seconds and it will be right here so after that click on continue and  it is installing so just have to wait all right so installation is complete so you can close it for right now and this  is completed so you can cross it right now you can cross everything okay so now you have to  um come to the thing that we saw at the

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beginning so just click on Dobe Zil um double click and if you can't open this file it's because  you might have not allowed it to open so for that what you have  to do is go to the setting and you have to click on the privacy right here um okay security and privacy and after that you will see allow right here  so you just have to click right here and use your fingerprint or whatever  password you you have set up and allow Adobe Zil to be used all right after that you will see this and  what you have to

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

do is just click on finder all right i think you can cancel that  for right now again click on finder and go to the applications okay adobe premiere pro it's right here just expand it and click on the  application and just drag it drag what okay so after that you have to click here drag it and drop right here and it will say root permission  required let's say okay and type your whatever password  you have for your macbook and after that it's patching for you  after that adobe premiere pro will

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

work now the premium pro is ready  so you can just open finder   applications and you can  open adobe premiere pro now and it will work guys since it's the first time it's  going to take a while because um   it needs to patch files and collect everything all right so if it asks to allow for files and  anything just just um say okay and you can now you can edit videos so good luck and thanks for watching and i  will see you guys the next Aricles. 

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hey guys I am running a x-split 3-month premium license giveaway here on my channel if you guys want to win that what you have to do is subscribe to my channel like the video and comment down below on each and every single video till 15th of me because on 15th of May I will be announcing the results of X-split 3 month premium licensed giveaway so yeah

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

let's just get into the video hey you what's going on everybody this is trustgamer 7 and now welcome back to another tutorial on the channel in this video as you guys can see of course the title and this video I'm going to be showing you how you can download Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 onto your PC it's really easy simple step it's just like one file and you just install it that's it so yeah

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I'll be teaching you that so let's get started INTRO!! when you're into your PC just go to the link in thedescription and you will be redirected to Premiere Pro CC 2019 get into something like that like that scroll down you can see this blue button which turns green when I just pop my cursor on it just click on that I'm not gonna click on it yes I've just downloaded it after you have downloaded it go into your downloads folder I have it just right here get into PC Premiere Pro CC 2019

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How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

drag it onto your desktop once it's done you just use WinRAR if you don't have been I will have a link to it down in the description once you've installed WinRAR and if you are if you already have been winrar installed on your PC just right-click on it extract here Extracting after you have done extracting your file you see a folder like this Adobe Premiere Pro CC open it set up where you see pre-activated just now click on the setup then Run it as administrator so we don't run into any issues,

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Man I can't spell it okay Program Files adobe I already have installed it I will install it again Installing!! Installing!! once your Adobe premier Pro CC 2019 is installed you should see something like this install complete Premiere Pro 2019 has been successfully installed just close it and you will see something like just go into your search bar and you will see and search for

How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 full version

Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 you will see something like this just click on it to load up yeah you can see and you'll just see a bunch of these like that and I just use it earlier also so it's showing me some projects so what you're gonna do is a new project you're gonna name it anything whatever you want gone yes if it's it's just me so here you go let'sAdobe Premiere Pro CC all working let me show you that I can even import some projects oh man let me show you something by importing some

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files I can show you by putting some files as you guys can see it's all here it's my video if you haven't watched this video just go into the link in the description it's a really nice one so yeah as you guys can see it's all working I'll close it for now hope you guys enjoyed the video if you do smash the like button down below go ahead and subscribe to the channel turn on notifications if you have not already follow me on Instagram and Twitter if you want so yeah good bye peace Comment !HEHEHA If you are Reading Captions.

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