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Listen! - What happened? Nothing! - Ashu is sleeping! Can't he sleep peacefully? Ashu, have you gone to sleep? Yes, mom. - So, sleep! Mom, tell me something. Is this the time to do the leaning? I haven't had any sleep. Speak softly, mom. Do me a favor, Ashish. Go to sleep.

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 Mom, do you need my help? Ashish, honestly, go to sleep. Don't you feel ashamed? I am working and you want to sleep! Why is there food all over the bed? Are you a dog? How can you scatter the food all over your bed and eat? I want a human child. I don't know how I gave birth to a dog's baby! 

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But why are you calling dad a dog? - Shameless... I was giving an example. I didn't call him a dog! What is this heap of clothes doing here? Is there a sale at the mall? Mom, there was no other place to keep them. Is your cupboard filled with corpses? Put your clothes in the cupboard! 

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Why do you wear so many clothes? You change your clothes four times a day. Mom, you're the one who asks me to wear new clothes at home in case we have guests. Otherwise, what will your friends think? They will think that I don't give you good clothes to wear and make you wear old clothes. 

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Mom, my friends don't talk about us in their homes. Why? Don't you talk to us about your friends? The other day you said Ravi's mother hurt his father on his nose while trimming his chest hair. You misheard me. The trimmer went down and it was some other organ of his that got hurt. 

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Where did the third flip flop come from? You have so many clothes! Why don't you donate them? Mom, I don't have clothes to help enough number of people. Ashish, one T-shirt of yours can be used by four kids at a time. If I give your 'kurta' to anyone, it can be used as a blanket by an entire family. 

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Mom, this is very wrong. You can't fat shame me. I'll start a hashtag campaign on Twitter. Fat shaming mom! - You... Mom, where do you get so many flip flops from? Are you the God of flip flops? Why is the cupboard open? I've told you many times that the things in it could get stolen. 

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What have you given me apart from four silver spoons and two bowls? I don't have a treasure inside which could get stolen. I have so much gold in my cupboard. I keep it closed. If I keep it open, we'll become homeless. Mom, forget all those things. Be a little modern in life. What do you mean? Should I divorce your mother? I mean stop investing in gold. Invest in digital gold. For how long will you keep digging the earth? It has run out of gold. - 

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Digital gold! We have digital gold too! Yes, mom. You can buy it from Upstox Gold. Upstox Gold is one of India’s biggest investment platforms. You can buy and sell digital gold easily online. You have used up all my money. I don't have hundreds of thousands of rupees to invest. 

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Mom, you can invest the minimum amount. Do you what the minimum amount is? What you give me as pocket money is defined as minimum in the dictionary. So less! Yes, mom. And they don't charge 5% to 8% making charges either. You just have to pay 3% GST. Digital gold is kept secure in safe vaults. You don't have to worry about its security. That's great. - Download Upstox Gold. After opening your account for free, start investing your money. 

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I will invest in it, Ashish. But when will you invest in waking up early in the morning, cleaning up your room and not being lazy like a pig? I will end up dead one day and you won't even realize! The maid hasn't showed up for work! I will die one day! You're repeating that dialogue again! Next. - Greetings, ma'am. Please have a seat. What is your name? Shantadevi Pochle. Shantadevi Bhosle. Pochle. - Your surname is Pochle! You're a very dedicated maid! Why do you want this job? Ma'am, the job of a maid... Hey, don't irritate me. That's what everyone says. Tell me the truth. Money. - Salary. Why were you fired from your last job?

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 I don't know what to say, ma'am. My previous employer fired me from my job when she saw me wearing her nuptial chain. So, you were caught stealing! - No! I wore her nuptial chain. So, she thought I was having an affair with her husband. You were having an affair! No. I told her that Pinky, her neighbor, also wore that nuptial chain. So, she got divorced. 

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What will I do there now that they don't live in the same house? I will put you to an aptitude test now. We'll proceed to the next question if you pass this test. Okay? - Okay, ma'am. What's the time? - 3 o'clock. What's the time? - 4 o'clock. What's the time? - 8 o'clock. You know how to tell the time. So, time won't be an excuse for you. Darn it! I'll have to show up on time! I am a shrewd interviewer. What are your strengths? I can mop with one hand. Fail. - Why? The previous maid used to mop without using her hands. 

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How? - With her legs. She could sweep the floor with one hand, mop with her legs and carry Ashu in her other hand. Once, she dropped him in the commode while cleaning the bathroom. Since then, Ashu has had a phobia of commodes. What are your weaknesses? My mother-in-law. - Me too. How do you prioritize your work? Ma'am, I won't clean my house first thing in the morning. I'll clean your house first. Sacrifice! - No. I pay a maid Rs. 3,000 a month to clean my house. What are you passionate about? Ma'am, I have three kids. - Yes, I got it. I know what you're passionate about. 

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Shall we discuss your salary? Your house has four rooms. So, there will be four pairs of clothes... The entire package will cost you Rs. 25,000. - Rs. 25,000! Do you was clothes on a computer? Ashish makes 22,000 a month despite being an engineer. Okay. Give me Rs. 22,000. I'll pay you Rs. 18,000. - Ma'am, Rs. 20,000. Fine. I'll pay you I'll pay you Rs. 16,000. Ma'am, this is not the stock market. You're going down. I'll pay you Rs. 15,000 including the Diwali bonus. This is final. Okay. I'll come at 9 am tomorrow. - Congratulations! You're hired. - Thank you, ma'am. Do you have any questions for me? I've a question. The sign on the gate says beware of dogs. Do you have a dog in the house? The sign is for my husband. He is the dog of the house. He's the one who barks and bites. Don't worry. 

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I'll bite him if he barks at you. Okay? - Okay. Look carefully! This is how the new definition of crime is being created in the society. Crimes have no limits or restrictions. Don't trust your Gardner, husband, friend or your son's friend. Be careful. Stay alert. Until then, goodnight. Sleep well. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Diwali. Happy Holi. I am wishing you everything today. This could be your last day alive. Did you watch today's episode? The milkman poisoned the milk. The shopkeeper poisoned the ice slush. 

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And the cook added pineapple to the pizza and killed an entire family, Anita! Thankfully, we watch each episode of Prime Patrol. Otherwise, our husbands would have died long back. Be careful. Okay? Until then, goodnight. Sleep well. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Diwali. Happy Holi. I am wishing you everything today. This could be our last day alive. Bye. You are a fool! What do I pay you for? To cut the grass or to cheat me? 'Be careful. Stay alert.' If you cut the neem stalks, I'll deduct your salary! Get lost! Fool! I have hired a bunch of lazy people to work for me! What will become of them? - Today is my last day. Live happily. - Why? Are you leaving the house? There's going to be a murder in the house because of you. - Murder! Whose murder? Who's going to commit the murder? 

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The Gardner. - Him! You've created a definition of crime in his mind. Stop talking like you’re reading from a Hindi textbook. Don't talk rubbish! The Gardner must be acting like a villain downstairs. Watching too much TV has made you lose your mind. An innocent man will become a serial killer because of you and kill you. And, I will become a black widow forever. I mean, I will become a yellow widow. You fool, he used to play in my lap as a kid. He will get in your lap and slice your throat! I have raised him. Now, he will enter our house and murder you! He will see me standing on the side and think of me as a side character and kill me. The show will have more emotions and the audience will feel sympathetic. Dad, I had told you I didn't want to marry her! She's insane! He must planning the crime. 

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He will dismember all of us! I have cut them. I have cut off the thorns in the rose plant. He's talking about the thorns in the rose plant. Listen to me. Do you feel bad about anything we say to you? We are good people. We have good hearts. This man is a bad person. He doesn't talk to servants politely. You can take Ashu's clothes if you like. You can take Ashu's room too. 

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He will sleep in the garden. Just don't feel bad. - Okay. I'll come at night. - Lower this thing. Why will you come at night? - To take my salary. No need. I'll G-pay you your salary. Go. - Hey, listen! Stop your work and go see the driver. Okay, sir. - What are you doing? Why are you making two killers meet each other? So, our driver is also a killer now! Have you seen the lanes he drives through while driving us home? That's because our house is located in a lane, you fool! Have you seen the driver's eyes? They are always bloody red! He has high blood pressure! 

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That's why, the poor man's eyes are always bloodshot! You could even doubt me one day! I'm absolutely sure you're having an affair. - Do me a favor. Smash the TV on my head! You've lost your mind! My insanity will save your life one day! One day, even I will lose my mind. What are you doing? Be careful! Stay alert! - Quiet! Quiet! Fool! This family has ruined me! 

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Where does the watchman go between 12:30 pm and 1 pm everyday? With whom is he planning the kidnapping? Nothing will happen in five minutes. Take a seat. Mom, this is Rohit, my friend. 'Friend. Son's friend. Don't trust them.' 'Be careful! Stay alert!' Ashu, you've never told me about this friend of yours. Ma'am, we met today for the first time. We are new friends. What do you mean? - 

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I have tricked him! I will get close to your family and kill all of you! Kill! After the party, Ashu offered me to take me to his house and introduce me to his parents. Touch wood. Your house is beautiful. There must be a lot of money here! This chandelier must be worth Rs. 50,000. No, Rohit. We don't have any money. This house is just for the show. We are very poor. We're beggars. We've bought these pillows on a loan. We have no cash at home. 

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First, I will take this chandelier and then, I'll shoot you in the head! Don't shoot me, Rohit. - I will drop you, Ashish. I'll drop off Jashan and then, I will drop you off at college and go home. Rohit, what do you do for work? I murder people! - Murder! Not murder! I have a mutton shop on the fourth street. I started it with my own money. I asked Ashu to bring you there. Why me? - So that I can decapitate you, you old woman! No! - Where is the safe? Where is the safe? - We have nothing. Please spare us! Ma'am, where is the washroom? 

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Ma'am, where is the washroom? Ma'am, where is the washroom? I don't know what's wrong with mom. The washroom is over there. - No! You won't go anywhere. Sit here. Tell me something. Why is there a bandage on your face? - It's no big deal, ma'am. I cut someone off... - Cut! Whose throat were you slicing? No, ma'am. I wasn't slicing a throat! I cut someone off on my bike and I met with an accident. That's how I got hurt. Accident! Whose necklace were you stealing? Ma'am, I don't steal necklaces. You're misunderstanding me. Ashu, he looks like he steals necklaces from women! Mom, don't talk nonsense! What does your father do? Aunt, the jail... - Jail! Your father's in jail! He's a jail warden. - 

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Okay! Your father is a jail warden! So, he can get you out of jail if you kill someone. Nepotism will make people commit murder! Come on. Let's go. Mom has lost her mind. She watches Prime Patrol all day. Go, Rohit. Walk on the path of crime! How can I be careful and stay alert? No, Vanita. Only now have they started drinking Red Bull on wedding nights. We used to drink coffee to keep awake the whole night. Listen. - My husband is here. I will spoil my mood and call you. Okay? Bye. - Shilpa has invited us to her house. 

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Why do you want to go to your sister's house so late at night? Her leg is hurting. So, she has called us. - Of course! She always pokes her nose everywhere. So, her leg is bound to hurt. What is your problem with Shilpa? I don't have a problem. She has one! She always taunts me when she comes to our house. She will look at father's photo and say, Dad passed away too soon. She will then turn to me. She looks at me as if I caused his demise! Going by that logic, 

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I should turn to her when I hear about about Nirav Modi, Harshad Mehta and Vijay Mallya's scams, because she's the real thief! Don't call Shilpa a thief! I drank tea made by her only once and the milk was curdled! That wasn't tea. That was 'Paneer Butter Masala'. Shilpa puts so much sugar in 'Paneer Butter Masala' that people think it's tea! - Enough! Stop it! Other women give their sisters-in-law jewelry and love. But Shilpa has only given me headaches and Corona. She wasn't aware that she had COVID. She doesn't even know that she's a fool. 

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Is that my fault? Speaking of which, she had bad-mouthed Kamla, our daughter, so much. She said Kamla ruined her daughter Dia's life! Kamla did ruin her life! She had burned Dia on Diwali. She went bald! When she goes out, people call her Katappa. It is embarrassing for any girl to be called Katappa! Shilpa has stabbed our family in the back. Do you think Diya will be called Captain America? I should never have come here! I should have gone by myself! For the sake of Shilpa, you will leave your loving wife, and useless son, Ashu, alone in the house! I have to go! I have to fulfill my duty as her brother! Ask your brother to go to her. He loves her so much! He can't go. He has a stomach ache. 

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If he keeps bad-mouthing people all the time, he would obviously have a stomach ache. - Oh, dear! You have a problem with my brother too! When he came to our house the other day, he said to me he could still see the love between you and I. So, what's wrong? That's a compliment. He said that looking at my stomach! What is he trying to say? Just because I have a paunch, does that mean I'm pregnant? He meant to say that I feed you so well that you have developed a paunch. No, he meant to say I was pregnant. You're not pregnant! 

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You're hungry! Don't change the topic. Your brother is a disgusting man! He keeps wandering around. He never does any work. He's a tour guide. To go on tours is his business, you fool! Do you know what he does on tours? He takes women to Lonavala and shows them Tiger Point. He tells them he'll show them the main point of tiger too. The main point of the Tiger Point is its cave. Can't he show the caves to women? You have no idea how much girls hate your brother! 

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How do you know girls hate my brother? You are a middle-aged woman! - Keep quiet! You have no idea what a drunkard your brother is! Then, why do you drink with him? - I don't drink with him. He had misbehaved with me after getting drunk one day. He misbehaved with you! - He said to me that I cook disgusting food. How could he say that to me? A drunk man always speaks the truth. He made a mistake by lying to you all these years. He lied that you cook good food. 

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I can't tolerate lies! I won't spare him! How could he lie to you? If he doesn't like the food I cook, then why did he eat the breakfast I'd cooked today? That's why he's having a stomach ache! Poor guy! He'll have to undergo a surgery to get all the food out. The garbage that you'd cooked. It's pointless to talk to you! If you have so much problem with me, then go and stay with your brother. Why don't you eat the leg of your lame sister if you have a problem with my food? - There's no need for that. I've eaten your 'parathas' and steaming taunts. My stomach is full. I don't want to eat anything else. Bye! - Don't come back in the room! Sleep in the hall! So, I can sleep peacefully tonight! Thank God! It's pointless to talk to this man! What happened, dad? Are you leaving the house? Give me the documents of the house. - 

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I will give you a slap and you will crash into the utensils in the kitchen! Get a pillow and sleep in the hall! I will sleep in your room! Dad, this is wrong! Why should I compromise because of your fight? I will have to sleep in the hall now! All mom does is get angry all day! I will slap you! How dare you talk like that about your mother? - Dad, I... I was taking sides with you. You just fought with her. - Oh! I fight with her for no reason. I feel great when I hear her taunts. Mom also used to get angry like this, Ashish. She would scold and taunt me and dad all the time. Like you, I used to wonder why she was grumpy all the time. I am missing her taunts a lot now, Ashish. But mom is no more. So, I look for mom in your mother. And I do see her. Sometimes. You should be thankful that your mother is alive. 

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Because one day, you will also miss her grumpy nature. I will divorce you if you don't come inside by the time I count to three! How can you divorce me? You are going to trouble me my whole life! You get angry all the time! Have you no shame? I'll teach you a lesson! Hello, everyone! How are you? Most importantly, a happy mother's day to all the women. Like this video, comment on it, share it and subscribe to the channel. It's really hot! I was feeling so uncomfortable! Most importantly, look after your health, don't step out and maintain social distance. Also, guys, if you want to invest in digital gold, download Upstox Gold. You can open your account for free and get free e-gold worth Rs. 51. Download Upstox Gold. 


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