Mansfield Park (1999) - English Subtitles Full Movies Free

Mansfield Park (1999) - English Subtitles

from the draw to her own bus he wassuddenly interrupted by old MacDonald'shimself we called up all the winningdignity of our sex to do what must bedoneSofia shrieked and fainted and Iscreamed I ain't even mad finally verydangerous if it says escaped in hasteuntil under we began to think ofreturning to our mothers good stories tome any thousands of hurt you little girlcontinue to brush your hair but not OlafManny he's herewake up say goodbye to sistersorry for the delay and you will writeto tell my 90 to return[Music][Music][Music][Music]you hear that select Cargill miss blackcargo right slaves I'll be some captainor heroic ship doctor a roll-on a few[ __ ] 

Mansfield Park (1999) - English Subtitles Full Movies Free
 Mansfield Park (1999) - English Subtitles

as gift for the wife[Applause][Music]Oh Stan hello hello yeah it's fiveo'clock in the morning and mrs. Norrisarranged for this girl tree brought hereso nice or somethingmrs. Norris lives in the passage overthere I was told most definitely to dropher at the front entrance of MansfieldPark and drop[Music]he must be my aunt Norris yes yes hebrought you two hours too early coming[Music]Ellisgather up the children now let us have alook at youwell I'm sure you have other qualitiessaid Thomas she's here our new littlecharge hello fanny hello Sir Thomasgreetings from my family sir yes thankyouhow was your journey lovely sir I had noidea Ingram was so big yeah but you cameto know hundred models yes sirimpressive indeed it is well then whydon't you get us settled in with you andmr. Norris of the pasta nation wouldintroduce the children later with mr.Norris and myself yes I thought no no nono no there's been a misunderstandingwhen I suggested that we're taking mysister Lady Bertram's of my poor kneeswouldn't please do not trouble yourselfon my behalfyou speak when you're spoken to wouldyou excuse us miss pricegood morning I am Mariah ElizabethBertram and I'm Julia Francis budgepleased to make your acquaintancepleased to meet you it might not be wiseto have a hair in the house well thenit's Mariah Julia listen we must prepareourselves for gross ignorance somemeanness of opinion and a certain barGarrity of naina these are not incurablefaults I hope she will not tease my poorpug but just was rated Juliet leaf andof course not my dear but you girls mustnever be arrogant towards she is notyour equal but that must never beapparent to her there's a point of greatdelicacy oh greatdining-parlour through there over thereconservatory and that way down to thecellars I hope you don't tend towardsulkiness dear your mother certainly hadthe inclination thus obliged familythat's the West Wing to be repaired ifTom could set aside his horses and thedice for long enough the billiard roomfor the men of courseremember there is moderation in allthings yes yes Tom did it himselfvery modern very modernSir Thomas extraordinary library comealong all day and here it's such almoststudy never disturb him here he isweighed down with some very great caresat the moment The Maids rooms manservants rooms down there you will be myassistant you understand and up herewhat was formerly the nursery and thenthe governessnow your very own excuse me yes how longam I expected to remain here well thatdepends doesn't it but if all goes wellforeverdear Susie it seems that mother hasgiven me away and I can augur nothingbut misery from all I have seen atMansfield Park[Music]don't worry I won't fool crying makesyour hackerdon't make fun of me is it workingokay my behavior is it making you feelbetterit's certainly distracting dude anywayI'm Edmund so who do you miss I toldEdmund about you especially Suzi heasked me if I wish to write to you and Isaid I had no paper and didn't he giveme enough for more letters and storiesand you shall ever want to receive[Music][Music]by the way allies earn up to Paris withher lover unfortunately she have beyondher means and was imprisoned andpartially eaten by her two young sonsbut she intends to murder the guardsI'll keep you abreast of any furtherdevelopments[Music]PS could you please assure mother thetime improving myself dating for myselfdaily the history of England Hamidah sexit was in this rain that Joan of Arclived and made such a fuss among theEnglish they should not have burned herbut they did Henry the eighth'sI'll save you the task of hearing whatyou've already heard and myself ofrecounting what I do not perfectlyrecollect justice and duty however andthen that disgrace to humanity that pestof society Elizabeth who murderous andwicked queen that she was confined tocousin the lovely Mary Queen of Scotsfor 19 years and then brought her to anuntimely unmerited and scandalous deathmuch to the eternal shame of themonarchy and entire kingdom by a partialprejudiced and ignorant historian manneryou are awfulall those quarrels and Wars and then allgood for nothing hardly no women at allit's very tiresome I often think it oddthat history should be so dark a greatdeal of it must be invention yes I shallhave to bend your supple mind in morestricter fashion I think the situationcalls for some Shakespeareany price will you please try to actwith some decorum[Music]what do you like herShakespeare she's my refuge open cutthat killer my gives her nothing next toyoursmy writing is wood compared to your wildconstructions yes I'm a wild beast I'msure Sir Thomas would agree don'tconcern yourself with his gravity funnythere's many things to preoccupy himsuch as Edmund it's complexI'm sure simple fanny he regrets takingme in doesn't heno it's it's just it's problems with theslaves in the plantation theabolitionists making inroads that's agood thing isn't it well we all live offthe profits Fanny including you[Music]come back you will do as I say what anddo as you doeven I have principles dear Suzy newsitems sir Thomas has dragged Tom alongwith him to the West Indies to protectour interests there mariah has boundherself a fiance and mr. Rushworth whosir thomas has approved by posteveryone seems delighted with him exceptedmund who says that if you have nottwelve thousand pounds a year we shouldthink him prodigiously of himconsequently there is a new urgency toJulia's search for a suitor and mrs.Norris's husband died which did not seemto inconvenience her very much at allshe's moved into Mansfield proper wherelife is decidedly less expensive for herwhat joy is minenow there is a new parcel moved into theparsonage life seems nothing more than aquick succession of busy nothings theirheart brother and sister to the newParsons wifeI expect you to entertaining of suitableattention and animationnot to mention alacrity I might need therest of the morning to recover from thewhisperers all right mrs. Norris andjust a mite sluggishmr. Rushworth if you please[Music][Music]may I introduce Miss Mary Crawford andher brother mr. Henry improv this is mysister Lady Bertram mr. Edmund Bertramthis is Miss Julia Bertram who has justcome out into society this autumn asMiss Mariah Bertram here has just becomeengaged to mr. Rushworth perhaps whopassed his devotion its magnificentestate on the way here the one with thespectacular gardens Sotherton actuallywe're planning some improvements[Music]and Fanny Price[Music][Music]well you certainly seem a dreary lot[Laughter]please do join us in our game mr. coffee[Music]well I like both exceedingly but I likejr. best why cuz her aunt Norris advisedme that it must be soon she said she wasvery ready to be fallen enough withMariah's most agreeable though herchoice is made yes and I like it thebetter for it an engaged woman is alwaysmore agreeable than a disengaged she issatisfied with herself her cares areover and she feels she may exert all herpowers of pleasing without suspicion allis safe with a lady engaged no harm canbe done you allow yourself greatlatitude on such point frenzy but youwill be the one taking in at last Icannot know if he loves me said Elizawell they asked did he never gaze on youwith admiration tenderly press your handdrop an involuntary tear and leave theroom abruptly never replied Qihe's always left the room indeed whenhis visit has been ended Edmund so whatdo you think she's delightfulthey're both delightfulit could be no harm in my liking anagreeable man everybody knows mysituation must you always win even whenyou already have your progeny there willbe little rub some disappointmentseverywhere when the scheme of happinessfails human nature turns to another wellyou may need your pretty philosophy inthe endMirai PT Tom Lee L this is not what heremmmPaul with his 20,000 pounds and hisBaroness in everything you know thosethings mean nothing to menoir[Music][Music]I must say pleasures of life rarelytransit such as this don't you agreepansy well but the wall where's theThomas what muse Edmund come quickly Tomwhat of Antigua where's fatherlovely people they're paying for thispartyTom we thought you were in Antigua Tomreturned from Antigua somewhat soonerthan expected so he he spent a while inLondon I found him in the green room ofthe Covent Garden in a theatre yes ithappens to be where there restaging thisdelicious little slice of naughtinesscalled lovers vows Tom was a charmingparasite to the process until he cashand since I found myself quite capableof sympathizing with this tragedy ofunwarranted poverty I chose to deliverhim to his family whom I now find to beso very loving and beautiful and solventsolvent at any rate the Baron meets thebastard son takes back the lover of hisyouth and they all live happily why itis to be presumed for some time everafter Bravo Tom well told Tom moredim-witted fiction to clutter the worldcome now mr. Bertram drama is to knifewood ships are to the sea it means totraverse it to plumb its depth itsbreath and its beauty I couldn't agreemore miss Crawford good drama in whichthe greatest powers of the mind aredisplayed in which the most thoroughknowledge of human nature theirliveliest diffusions of wit and humourare conveyed to the world through thebest chosen language yes this isessential thisis trash so serious that is the worstcharge isn't it Tom what do you thinkthis prize I'm sorry to disappoint mr.Crawford but I do not have a readyopinion I suspect you're almost entirelycomposed of ready opinions not sharedFanny yes not Norris what are you doinghere I beg your pardonyou are aware surely that the samewasn't cleared away from yesterdayafternoon yes quite right it wasn't our[Music]don't forget this out not out nonsence Isay we stage the play here now togetheroh you're a genius what this is the veryroom for a theater and father study willprovide it has been mentioned that Ihave quite a gift for the stage actuallyTommy you're not serious not seriousMeany lovers vows I'm convinced that ourFather would disapprove I think I knowour Father as well as you do manage yourown concerns Edmund and let me take careof the rest of the family don't actyourself if you do not like it butplease don't try to govern everybodyelse good what what's the matterI was not asleep oh no no of course notman no one suspected you I wish to playAmelia but what I'm keen to know iswhich gentleman among you might I havethe pleasure of making love - and howdoes it happened that the wish to dowhat is right has become an unattractivequality and now Tom wants to enlistCharles Maddox to play an Holt is aboutas discreet as the town crier so this iswhere you hide Andy I need somereferencing would you mind well mr.Bertram hello hello miss Crawford I'llbe off then fanny Oh Oh stay staydee we need an audience we all need anaudience wouldn't you say fannyto be truthful I live in dread ofaudiences come here I will claim Eliaand you for now we'll play a not theclergymen my teacher read through therethat's mr. Bertram herethis is I insist for a long time youhave instructed me why should not hirebegin to teach you teach me whatwhatever I know and you don't there aresome things I'd rather never know justas you made certain mathematicalproblems pleasant to me I might teachsomething as pleasant to you womanherself is a problem and I'll teach youto make her out you teachpilot none but a woman who can teach thescience of herself upon reconsiderationI cannot help but think that welldespite the displeasure of appearinginconsistent it would be better for meto play an Holtthen invite Charles Maddox into thismixture excellent there are some thingsI'd rather never known[Music]what is this I find my mother bus speakI cannot speak my dear son my dearFrederick I was not prepared yeah mothercompose yourselfnothing[Music]hello my sweet dear girl welcome homesir my word we've grown in health andthat daresay beautynow where's the rest Julia morale umwhat's that badly you must be Sir ThomasI am Rushworth your future son-in-law weare in the midst of a home theatrical Iam to be count Castle and come in firstwith a blue dress and a pink satin cloakand afterwards have another fine fancysuit by way of a shooting dress I havetwo and forty speeches which is notriflefather um so this is what you're in sucha terrible hurry to leave Antigua for Ipresume dear Suzy all remnants of thetheater have been erased and TommenYates have fled the new solemnity thathas returned to Mansfield Park yes themilitary's are in general well shapedand and the women especially wellfeatured I have one so easy and gracefulin her movements and and intelligence aswell which are strangely to mulattoescan never have childrenthey're like mules in that respectexcuse me Father for contradicting youbut that is nonsenseyou cannot say such things I did not saythey are mules did I I said they arelike mules Edward long history ofJamaica read it before you challenge meanyway I've got mine to bring one ofthem back with me next trip to work hereas a domestic correct me if I have anarrow Sir Thomas but I've read sir thatif you were to bring one of the slavesback to England there would be someargument as to whether or not theyshould be freed hereif I'm not mistaken and I say you'vechanged considerably my dear I've donesome reading on the matter ThomasClarkson to be specific under Edmundsguidance Fanny has a voracious mindfather as hungry as any man's and herwriting is remarkable in a styleentirely new yes good yes yourcomplexion is so improved I trust youwill see as much beauty of mind in timefather you've gained so much confidenceand your figure pleasedon't you agree mr. mr. Crawford purityis a decided attraction tis true SirThomas indeed I am you must be the moraltaste and the steadfastness of her heartthat illuminate her eyes and gives sucha glow to her cheek please gentlemenFanny Price is almost as fearful ofnotice and praise there's other womenare of neglect its discerning missCrawford Thank You mr. Bertram I have ita ball at Mansfield Park in honor ofFanny we shall bring her out andintroduce miss Fanny Price to societysurely some young man of good standingwill sit up and take notice I'm certainshe will glide about with quiet lightelegance and an admirable telling youmust excuse meI think I have something[Music]Sani don't be foolish it is rainingI see more distinctly through the ruleit's just a silly bull will not be soldoff by one of your father's slavesedmonds hard I mean imbecille oh butimbecility woman is a great enhancementto their personal charms honeyyou're being irrational get anotheradornment I must be ravishing beingworth looking at[Music][Music]you could do worse that one huhshe is witty and bright and I dare sayenough without worth and how might youmeasure that worth father now you neednot impress me with your purity thefamily is well established it is wellknown the prices the Crawfords I meantthe confidence Mary Crawforddo you readingLawrence Stearns a Sentimental JourneyI was interrupted with a voice which Itook to be of a child which complainedit could not get out I looked up anddown the passage and so it was astarling hung in a little cage I can'tget out I can't get out said theStarling god help thee said I but I letthe out cost what it will but it wasdouble twisted with wire and there wasno getting it open without pulling thecage to pieces I took both hands to itthe bird flew to the place where I wasattempting his deliverance and thrustinghis head through the trellis pressed hisbreast against it as if impatientI fear poor creature said I I cannot setthe at liberty no said the Starling Ican't get out I can't get out said theStarlingyou read well thank youI wish to speak to you about Rushworthnow you know how eagerly disposed I wasto like your mr. Rushworth but you thinkhim and in theory a young man asignorant in business as in books withopinions in general and fixed andwithout seeming much aware of it himselfI'm not blindperhaps the Alliance advantageous as itis was too quickly agreed to you neednot worry Mariah I shall take care ofyou every inconvenience should be bravedand the connection entirely given up ifyou feel yourself unhappy in theprospect of it I will not pretend here'sof shining character but I would alsonot pretend that enjoying a largerincome and a house in the city and allthe other amiable and innocent pleasuresthe connection will afford are not anattraction as for the rest well he'sstill youngand I would like to marry himimmediately within a fortnight I do notunderstand the urgency I don'tunderstand the delay and I would likefor Julia to accompany me on honeymoonand you wish for Julia to accompany youon your honeymoonyes she's never been to Brighton[Music]dear Susan Mariah was married onSaturdayin all important preparations of mineshe was complete being prepared formatrimony by a hatred of home by themisery of disappointed affection andcontempt of the man she was to marry thebride was elegantly dressed and the twobridesmaids were duly inferior hermother stood with salts in her handexpecting to be agitated and her aunttried to crymarriage is indeed a maneuveringbusinessyou will never leave[Music]no keep playing with meshe missed forgive me selfish sniffingmust always be forgiven you therebecause there's no hope of a cure lovelymore evening the ballroom shall be litsolely by your beauty my dear I've nowonder Edmonton lights so in yourcompany I'm so evil he knows not what tomake with me I with it I heard yoursound judgment tell me does he speak ofme occasionally is that your harp in thefront room Oh indeed it was transportedfrom London on Henry's carriage I triedto hire a horse and cart found that I'vebeen asking the most unreasonable mostimpossible thing in the world I defendedall the farmers all the laborers and allthe hay in the parish getting the hayendless of great importance in thecountry at this time and music isn'tdepends on the music I suppose[Music][Music]that's Edmunds favoritehe seems very alive to music yesEdmund says that in a church service itis music that best allows the spirit toaspire to the beyond oh heavenswhy wasted on drowsy churchgoersstarched up into seeming piety give me aconcert or a dance I'm sure he'd agreemy contradiction is Crawford but I'msure you wouldn'twhen he takes orders in a few weeks hewill begin if I'm not mistaken his ownservices thanks orders what is thatmeant to be a clergyman yes but aclergyman is heard drinkthe tournament's wife is even worse whatprofession would you suggest missCrawford I'm not as you know at thefirstborn there must be an uncle orgrandfather to place you somewhere thereis not well she was lower then it's nottoo late at least you can distinguishyourself there with language and wit Ireally have no wish to blunder about onthe borders of empty repartee Oh yourfather could put you into Parliamentmy father's choices are less thancompelling for me no I wish to become aclergyman I think there are worse thingsthan a life of compassion andcontemplationshe does not think he for what shespeaks it he grieves me to the soul ofeducation perhaps like an uneducatedfan you would that more women were likeyou I love you more than words can say Idemand the first dance at the balltomorrow[Music]one consequence very so much at timeswithout any particular reason there's areason for everything Fanny your entireperson is entirely agree agree[Music]I think you should admit that you're inlove with Fanny Bricewell of course I lovethere are as many forms of love as thereare moments in time[Music]perfectdance like an angel funny price it'slike an angel an errand mr. cross what acompliment heavens rejoice shecomplimented me did you dancing mr.Crawford keep your wiggle[Music]and then a few hours before Laura diedshe said take warning from my unhappyand beware of fainting fitsbeware of swollen[Music][Laughter]so Thomas I've been thinking about theparsonage space more than the gloves toThomas of a new scheme ah and what mightthat beI thought you might be amenable torenting the parsonage Jimmy but it is tobe Edmonds parsonage when he takesorders anyone care to purchase the Queenat what cost two shillings highwayrobberymr. Bertram could continue here atMansfield Park and still be preacherthis way you stay closer to your dearfamily and I continue improving andperfecting that friendship and intimacywith the Mansfield Park family which isincreasing in value to me every day Ihave a better plan Henry live here withus stay as long as you wish every seasonbring all your horses and your sister tobe is one of our family we would thriveon it wouldn't be really him of coursehe'll buy the King for three shillingsMary orbitons I shall take my last likemoon spirit no cold prudence we need Iwas not made to sit still and do nothingif I lose the game it will not be notAustralian for it I must speak to youyou must know why I'm attempting to rentthe parsonage I wish to continueimproving and perfecting my intimacywith youFanny you have created sensations whichmy heart has never known before there isonly one happiness in life to love andbe lovedmr. Crawford do not speak nonsensenonsense you're such a fine speaker thatI'm afraid you may actually end inconvincing yourself mr. Reid theintimacy between them daily increased tolook length it grew to such a pitch thatthey did not scruple to kick one anotherout of the window on the slightestprovocation yes oh my sweet girl this isa great day a great day indeed you maymake me more proud I dare say than myown daughters oh please don't say thatsir why is there no fire here today I'mnot cold sir would you have a fire ingeneral no server to have a warm shortyour aunt cannot be aware of this Iunderstandfor as long as you're in my home fannyprice you shall have a fire I'm awarethat there has been a misplaceddistinction but I think - well of you tosuppose that you will ever have aresentment on that account thus it iswith even more pleasure that I'm here toinform you that Henry Crawford has askedmy permission to take your hand inmarriage and I have given the Union myblessing I had no idea that his feelingsthat progressed to such a boiling pointclearly I am too old to follow theintricate maneuverings of the youngplease get yourself ready and join medownstairsmr. Crawford as you perhaps foreseen isstill in the housedo not fearI cannot sir cannot world I could notagree to marry him at this time you donot know your own feelings I watched youwith him fairy prayers I know you're notinsensitive to his charms I'm not thatold he's not without charm sir there'ssomeone else declared his intention foryou no sir and what is itI do not trust himself what yourdistrust his nature sir like manycharming people he conceals an almostabsolute dependence on the appreciationof others and what is the terribleiliyan that he's so interest isn't beingloved sir not in loving you read toomany novels girl I am an unabashed novelreader sir but I do not think it hasclouded my judgment you trust me I trustthat my future is entirely dependentupon you sir let me repeat do you trustme yes sir well I trust him you willmarry him I will notsirthey had Fanny Price thought you freefrom willfulness of temper self-conceitand every a tendency to thatindependence of spirit which prevails somuch in modern days even in young womenand which in young women is especiallyoffensive and disgusting beyond allcommon offense have Mary Crawford's andyour income for example not as yourfamily their advantage or disadvantagenever seems to have had a moment's shareyour thoughts young man wishing to payhis addresses to with everything torecommend it not Mary's situation inlife fortune and character but with morethan common agreeableness with addressand conversation pleasing to everybodyan acquaintance of today with nine earnhim some time this system or ever isyou're interested friend some time awareof a particularity in district officecannot have taking her by surpriseyou must have observed his attentionsthough you always received have enoughinclined to think failure if you don'tquite know your own feeling because noyou site perceived to talk to you we hadbetter put an end to this mostmortifying conference our thereforebecause you do not feel for mr. Crawfordexactly what a young heated fancyimagines to be necessary for happiness Ishould say not you are in a wild fit offolly throwing away from you such anopportunity of being settled in lifeeligibly honorably nobly settled as willprobably never occurred to you again andi will tell you what fanny price whichis more than I did for Mariah next timethat Park has a litteryou shall have a puppyoh she needs this time sir Thomas heloves you fanny price if any man everloved a woman forever I think Henrywould do as much for youEdmund what do you thought the fact thathe chose youFanny is evidence of his good characterhe could make you very happy and youwould be the making of him you know Ithink it ought not to be sat down acertain that a man must be acceptable toevery woman he may happen to likehimself perhaps you would rather returnto Portsmouth I can write to your mothertonight a little abstinence from theluxuries and elegance of Mansfield Parkmight bring your mind into a more soberstate is that your choice young womanyes it iswhy Fannyand to be at home again to be laughed bymy family to feel affection without fearor restraint and to feel myself theequal of those that surround me[Music][Music]I hope you know I know how much I showso right to you nice try to you[Music]we shall not be sisters I know we shout[Music][Music][Music]funny you can't copy me source just fromyour journeyit's oppressing me short really Betsygood father upcoming so did you have atiring journey must be I suppose youmust have a multitude astern I have todo quite a lot actually I'm right-handedLady Bertram and I Norris I only havethe two girls cannot say exactlyprincess told you she would be beautifulmothers didn't I tell you she would bebeautiful yes you didfather Fanny's come home you see isturnaround then let's have a look at youturn aroundgive me a chatterbox I'm just teasingyou give you a coarse old father a bigsqueezewelcome home fannyyou're gonna have another girl aroundwell how about ready you just throw downsome straw and call this place a storedon't get me startedbeware of fainting fitsbeware of swoons a friends if it is not1/4 so pernicious it is an exercise tothe body and if not to violent as I daresay conducive to her who's it from MaryCrawford friend oh how we miss you mydearest Fanny Pricemy brother is moping please write me apretty letter in reply to glad in hiseyes and send me an account of all thedashing young captain's when you justnamed is over his say I have seen Juliaand dearest mrs. Rushworth wimple streetthe other day we seemed very glad to seeeach other and I do really think we werea little we had a vast deal to sayespecially on the subject of you andHenry shall I tell you how mrs.Rushworth looked when your name wasmentioned any preface I did not used tothink her wanting in self-possession butshe had not quite enough for the demandsof yesterday so you shall mrs. Rushworthand as for Edmundclergyman or not let me say I amincreasingly sensitive to these Joneswas affectionately very cool this HenryCrawford what's he likea rake I think yes pleasethey have new foreign literature thanthey do in life season with a amuse andLady Bertramshe's always suffering near-fatalfatigue why I generally fromembroidering something of little use intheir beauty not to mention a handsomedose of opium daily your tongue issharper than a guillotine in front ofyou the effect of education I supposemiss price miss Fanny Price miss pricewhat is that racket miss price what isit boyI must be Fanny Pricemiss price miss Fanny Price I'm funnyprice are you surecuz I don't get paid if you're not yesI'm sure I'm funny price alright thenstay back[Music]I was supposed to say something he saidabout started flying or something somemore manic thing but I remember exactlyyes but I think we've got the generalidea Thank You Bernie what is this[Music]mr. price yesHenry Crawford friend of Mariah Bertrampleased to meet you and you must be mrs.price of course I see the resemblance toyour sisters the beautiful Lady Bertramand mrs. Norris nature has given yourfamily no inconsiderable share of beautymiss price mr. Crawfordit was you wasn't it the birds andeverything I'm sorry I do not know towhat you're referring so tell me what isthe news of Mansfield how is everyoneeveryone being Edmund any I know youknow what I know you I wish to speak intruth our suspect is the effect of youreducation of my Fanny Price he is a fineman I understand but he's to be marriedFanny to my sister the words have beenspokenso wait to grieve and talk anything itpains me to tell you that you mustgrieve now I know I have an appearanceof inauthenticity you're infinitely mysuperior in merit you have touches ofthe angel in you and I know you havewitnessed my own sincere attentionstoward Mariah your eyes are so clear andunflinching I beg you to look at meagain I am changed fanny price I amchanged I shall wait for you till theend of time my constancy shall provethat I'm changed it is your verychangefulness that frightens me mr.Crawford toy with meno senseless as it is my heart is stillfull of anotherI shall waitit is free once moreit is the habits of wealth that I fearstill she is the only woman in the worldwhom I could ever think of us[Music]still she is the only woman in the worldwhom I could ever think of as a wife[Music]where would your current tenants go ifwe were to move into that house I haveseveral apartments and houses here sothose would be well cared for it is agenerous offer first of many I hopecome herefunny I'mhow's it feel to be homewhat's mrs. Port Smith and Mansfield ashome you don't like to be near the watermost of it smells one is not the meansto float away illness have povertyfrightens me and a woman's poverty is aslavery even more harsh than a man's butit need not be your lot spend your daysin comfort if you do yes[Music]sati yes[Music]is that yes I had a thousand times nothot enough for you[Music]you will learn to love me say it againplease say[Music]good morning mr. Charlie I spoke hastilyI've anguished over the matter and Ifeel that I cannot and when might you bepreparedwhy might that be I still doubt you Ifear you cannot be trusted don't we andyour behavior this days I have someonetrustworthy you are the standard oftrust enjoy your stay in Portsmouth misspricemay it be long up to your standards[Music]I have no talent for certainty Susy comequickly Bennymr. papal this paper Fanny come comeI've met I've come to take you back toMansfield don't need it there it'shappened tom was celebrating a newmarket and fell ill and the group ofyoung men he was traveling with left himbehind to recover with Yates who thendeserted him as well he was found tolearn almost dead two days ago thesituation is very grave we must hurry ifyou wish to that is funny I cannot tellyou how much I shall see you soon Susy Ifeel it[Laughter][Music][Applause][Music]I trust others in this tragedy oh hellyes as i intimated in my last letter Ibelieve mary has almost reconciledherself to marrying a stodgy clergymanunderstand Crawford paid you a visityes[Music]the attentiveyes[Music]and as your heart changed towards him[Music]yes several times[Music]I find that I[Music]surely you and I are beyond speakingwhen words are clearly not enough[Music]you[Music][Music]Benny you're backyes sir good we've had our fill ofestrangement at Mansfield Park goodmornings oh my dear mr. Crawford thankyou for joining us at this difficulttimemiss maratton mrs. Rushworth who'll bejoining us later today as well becausemr. rush with his detained withimprovements to his garden at Sothertonhe'll be very glad to know that missjulia is due within the hour welcomefanny thank you for coming fannyI've been meaning to ask you how longare you stayingI'm not sad to not Norris and how longare you staying[Music][Music][Music]this is rush what trust you a well thankyou and mr. Rushworth Mariah this is thebehavior of friends yeah how's fannyshe's a good little girl and you'vebecome a good little boy she's rejectedme Mariahwhat the beside were for me[Music][Laughter][Music][Music]my son is mad[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]yes[Music]don't look at me like that EdmondRushworth is a fool you know that and Ican't get outI can't get out[Music][Music][Music][Applause]good morning Mansfield yet Edmund handsThomas and dryer we had an importantguest here todaythis is mr. Dixon of the London Times heis writing an article about moderngardens and is interested in the changesat soliton clever fellow has noticed theinfluence of Gilpin furhe loves the new ruins wake up[Music]where's Mariah I could not say at thishour then we'll speak to Crawfordit was on his recommendation that weremoved the avenue of old Oaks had ledfrom the West front up to the top of thehill where is Crawford at the parsonagewith the grants no we stopped therefirstdon't there's something you must read ohdear did I just quite stuck here in thesociety section funny you read it to usyou have such a strong clear voiceit is with infinite concern thenewspaper has to announce to the world amatrimonial fracker in the family of mr.Rushworth of Wimpole Streetgothe beautiful mrs. Rushworth who hadpromised to become so brilliant a leaderin the fashionable world has quitted herhusband's roof in company with a wellknown and captivating mr. crawford theintimate friend and associate of notonly mr. Rushworth but mrs. rushworth'sfather Sir Thomas Bertram of MansfieldParkit is not known even to the editor ofthe newspaper whether they have gone mayGod help us there falls under this roofI should have known Rushworth would dosomething stupid such as bring in anewspaper man under which roof would ithave been better Mary I understand yourbitterness Fanny Price but do not directit at me hope brother is an actor acharming inscrutable actor through andthrough it's just that the temptation ofimmediate pleasure was too strong for amind unused to making any sacrificeafter all the costs and care of ananxious and expensive education I do notfeel I know my own children at all noplease of course you know themthis is 1806 for heaven's sake this isnot the first time that this hashappened in the world nor the lastlook you are indeed a family in distressbut you must recover and survivegracefully the facts are that if Henrydoes not choose to marry Mariah and ifyou also reject her she will be anoutcast relief in the wind of othermen's plans oh we can recover here is myproposal we must persuade Henry to marryMariah after a respectable period Edmundand I will accept Mariah and Henry intoour acquaintanceand household and then the rest of youafter an appropriate period of distancewill decide to properly support them aswell and the Bertrand's being people ofrespectability as they are she mayrecover her footing in society to acertain degree in some circles we knowshe would never be admitted but withgood dinners and large parties theywould always be those who'll be glad ofher acquaintances such a developedstrategy and how will a poor clergymanafford these good dinners andlarge parties chance is not alwaysunkindI pick a partnerif tom is not able to recover Edmundwill be the heir and wealth andconsequence could fall into hands nomore deserving I understand you think Ishould not say such things but one mustprepare oneself for every eventualitywhich is the mark of an involvedindividual no no what I advise is thatyou Sir Thomas little tin gon caused byinterference let things take theircourse that I understand may be adifficult thing but although Tom blesshis heart may not be strong enough forthis world the rest of us must beI speak merely of what must be done notwhat I feel you may wish to reconsideryour eagerness for Tom's death and youmay wish to reconsider your thinlyveiled anger towards me Fanny Price ifyou'd accepted my brother as you oughtyou might now have been on the point ofmarriage and Henry would have taken nopains to be on terms mrs. Rushworthagain it would have all ended in aregular standing flirtation in the earlymeetings at Sotherton and Everingham itcould all be construed as your fault forstartling adaptability to my brother'spossible to my sensor shell through myheart chillcheerfully planning parties with hismoney you shush my father like a dog atyour table you attack Fannie forfollowing her own infallible internalguide about matters of the heartall this has most grievously convincedme that the person I've been to apt todwell on for many months past has been acreature of my own imagination not youmiss Crawford you are a stranger to meI do not know you and I'm sorry to say Ihave no wish to[Music]is there anything to be done wait waityes time could do almost anythingit'll be alrightwe survived brain fever many many of ussixhe used to play Tom the night give me amission father yes sir that send himwith a message to mother about the teaor to get badly to get the carriageready no fathergive me a noble missionthat's all he ever wantedI'm sorry too missus I[Music]in good and perfect time Tom's healthdid return Henry Crawford chose not tomarry Mariahmrs. Norris who said Thomas came toregard as an hourly evil went to devoteherself to her unfortunate knees it maybe reasonably supposed that theirtempers became their mutual punishmentit could have turned out differently Isupposebut it didn't[Music]Mary Crawford went to live inWestminster eventually she and Henryfound partners who shared their moremodern sensibilities[Music]and as you may have guessed at exactlythe time when it was quite natural thatit should be so and not a moment soonerEdmund came to speak the wholedelightful and astonishing truth Fanny Imust confess somethinghmm I've loved you all my life no fannyas a man loves a womanas a hero loves a heroine[Music]as I've never loved anyone in my entirelife I'm so anxious to do what is rightthat I forgot to do what is right but ifyou choose meafter all my blundering in a blindnessbe a happiness which no descriptioncould reach[Music][Music]looks as though they're finally gettingsomewhereJuliamr. Yatesnow Jonah bar lived during the reign ofHenry it's a correct guess Susie Susancame to live at Mansfield Park Tom grewstronger by the day and Sir Thomaseventually abandoned his pursuits inAntigua he chose instead to pursue someexciting new opportunities in tobacco itcould have all turned out differently Isuppose but it didn'tby the way we spoke to a John Ward andagitanceand he said he'd be willing to publishstories at our expense of course butyou'd get keep 10% of the profitsnow I was thinking of a title thefusions of fancy by a very young girl ina style entirely new[Music][Music][Music][Music]I doyeah[Music][Music][Music][Music]you

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