Make money online $150/Day on YouTube with NO SUBSCRIBERS | Marissa Romero

Make $150/Day on YouTube with NO SUBSCRIBERS

#make #money #online 

        Making over $2 millionper year. On that note, we're going to be talkingall about making a hundred, $150 and way more money than thatper day on YouTube without having any subscribers. Because as weall know, or maybe you didn't, you get paid from YouTube by views.It has nothing to do with subscribers. And now going back to that channelthat at a thousand subscribers, they were producingover $2 million a year. That particular personis an insurance agent. So the tutorial content that heis making for his YouTube channel, he's directing and funnelingright to his insurance plans. And you may be thinking,okay, great. Yeah, that guy can get rich offselling his insurance plans. But what about the rest of us now? The general principle and the wholepoint of this video today is to not leave the monetization strategyin YouTube's hands. 

#make #money #online 

        Especially if you areaccounting on AdSense, it is a system that you cannot control. And again, there's a certain misconception thatyou need a million subscribers to create a very profitable living from thisYouTube platform. And you really don't. That is the number one thing in myththat we're going to debunk today. So if you're ready to make someYouTube cash and you have hardly any subscribers, and you're just startinggo ahead and type in the comments, YouTube cash, and let's get started. And to be sure to get a recap ofeverything that we go over today, go ahead and download oursubscribers to sales blueprint. You can go ahead and find it up here,or the first link in the description, which goes over things we talk aboutin today's video and the six steps to creating a YouTube channel that growsfast Han that you could monetize and create profits on autopilot. And so the first way that we're talkingabout with creating an income with the YouTube platform is with livestreaming. 

        Now live streaming is a very, very powerful way to buildinstant trust with your viewers. Even more so than prerecordedvideos. Like the one I have now, and by the end of the stream,people could be buying from you. It happens all the time and we'll getinto the ways to make money with live streaming. And before we do, today'svideo is sponsored by BeLive. #make #money #online Now, what is BeLive if you are acreator, a YouTuber or aspire to be, and have a presence on one ofthe social media platforms, if you're looking to take your livestreams to the next level with a super professional look, thenBeLive is definitely for you. Let me show you a thing or two BeLiveis extremely simple to get started. All you gotta do. You can click thelink below to get started for free, and then once you sign up, youdon't have to download anything. You're right here. You canconnect your camera right away. And here I am, you can seeme. It was that simple. It took me within seconds to get started. So I love how one of the cool thingsabout this is you can invite guests. You can have up to fourguests in your live stream. I know that comes in handy because I knowit can be a little bit nerve wrecking when during doing a live stream byyourself and the other cool thing you can share your screen. 

        So if you want to share yourscreen and demonstrate something. So if I share my screen andI want to share, you know, this Canva graphic that I recentlymade with my editing team, I can do that and demonstrate whateverit is I want to demonstrate on a live stream. That's very simple to do. And the other thing that I really likedown here is the branding feature. So you can put a border, you can change the background andyou can have one of these features. #make #money #online It's really, really cool. And I love that because it gives avery personal touch to the live stream. And so let's say you wanted touse, BeLive just to record a video. You can later trim it and use thatfootage however you want to. Okay. So the other thing too, isthat when you're ready to go, you can set the destination right here, whether you want to host the live streamon YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and then that's it. You just go public and press playand you're ready to live stream. 

        So with the user-friendliness and allthe options of all the different features on Be Live, it makes it one of myfavorite streaming applications. And you can get started today and try all these premium features when you click the link in the description below. And so, as I mentioned in the beginning of this video, it's all about the views, the audience, the smaller, the audience, the more engaged it could be, and most likely will be andthe more money you could make. #make #money #online And so when we're talking about methods to make money with live streaming, the first way is withan affiliate product, your live stream could be allabout one affiliate product, or maybe five different affiliate products that you are talking about on the live stream. You'reinteracting with the crowd, and you're asking them maybe abouttheir experience with this particular product, but it is a quick way to drive trafficto your link in the description and make money really fast with it. Because again,if you know, with affiliate marketing, that when somebody clicks onyour affiliate marketing link, they will then get cookied to that link.So you want them to get the cookie. 

        So that way, if they go to the page from your affiliatelink and then come back at another time, then that affiliate cookiecode will always be with you. So that is a really good way. And then another way is if maybe you'repromoting an affiliate product of another creator or producer, and you're promoting theirservice or something like that, that could be considered a brandpartnership or a JV, a joint venture. So that's also a great way tomake money with live streaming. So picking a product thatyou don't have to create, or that's not yours and promoting itand giving value and talking about it on the live stream. The other way to make money with livestreaming is with donations. Now, donations are really fun because it'sbasically deepening the relationship with your audience. I know you'reprobably like, wait, how, because you're asking for money, but it really does because a lot oflive streaming YouTubers have this thing called a super chat. So a super chat you as a viewerand the audience for example, are able to pay and donate to the creatorso that you can get to the top of the chat and you can have yourquestions answered quicker. It's like you get first priorityin the attention of the creator. People get to see you andyou get to stay at the top. 

        And the other cool thing is thatnormally a creator can celebrate, like, make a little noise and theyget a donation from somebody. And it's really cool because the moremomentum you get in the more donations the donations will just keepcoming in and coming in. And that is a really cool aspectabout asking for donations on a live, because really it's kind of like ifyou're giving out your knowledge on a live stream, I mean, that takeswork. That takes preparation. So your audience won't havea problem donating to you. And with that one, live could be really profitable ifyou're receiving $5 donations up to $20 donations, and you never know the amount ofpeople who will continue to donate. And so don't be afraid toask for donations becausepeople are super generous when it comes to donating for receivingthe value that you have to give. They appreciate it so much. So itshouldn't be something intimidating, but donations are a surefire way to makemoney with live streaming. 

        All right. So the next way you can really jam outand make some cash with live streaming is with memberships. So by redirecting your viewers whoare watching to a platform or to another something, right, that'll makethem into recurring paying customer. #make #money #online  Did I say that right? Recurring payment, they'll be able to pay youon a recurring basis. Boom. That's what I have in my notes.Okay. And so by them doing that, they get some type of benefit, an extrabenefit. So maybe in this membership, you're providing a bi-weeklytraining or something like that. Maybe you're providingyou a little gift box. Maybe you're providing behind the scenescontent of you that nobody else can see unless they opt into the membership.So if you think about Logan Paul, one of the richest YouTubersever, this man has a membership. I think it's called Maverickclub or something like that. It's like 20 or $25 a month. And he's like a millionaire offof his membership. And it's like, you get exclusive access to him. You get to be entered intocontest that he gives away. And so if you don't know what membershipplatform to go with in the beginning, you can check out patreon. It really great platform justfor people getting started, who want to have a cheaper membership.It's a really great option. So basically the call to action duringyour live stream is to funnel people, to opt in to the membershipand tell them why, tell them what the advantage is for them. 

        It'll most likely be a highconverting live stream. So another method to make money withlive streaming is with live sales, go figure, but the way you would do this iswith promoting something on the live stream. So youwould be demonstrating, maybe it's close a physicalproduct maybe it's hardware or, you know, maybe you're a woodworker and you havethings you're demonstrating and you can sell then in there on live. And that's really powerful because people,once they know how to use something, or once they know the quality of it,they're like, okay, cool. They trust it. And they can buy from you and you canmake the instant sale on the live stream. So this could also be, thiscould be physical products, but this could also be digital products.So maybe you're a graphic designer. You have a graphics designpack that you can sell. Maybe you have a done for you service.Maybe you say something like, Hey, like I'm giving away X amount of coachingcalls to the next 10 people who buy a coaching call for 50% off or somethinglike that. So just something where, you know, you'll be able to ask for the conversionlive on the call and it makes it easy for somebody watching to be ableto opt in and buy whatever it is you're promoting and demonstratinglive on the screen. Okay. So the second way to make some seriouscash with YouTube with very little to no subs is with affiliate marketing.Now affiliate marketing is, I know we touched on it in thelive streaming portion. 

        However, I wanted to be clear onjust how profitable it couldbe back in the day two and a half, three years ago, when I was ina situation where I was seriously broke, my savings was almost gone. I needed to make something happen fastor else I would have to go back and get a nine to five job. I turnedto affiliate marketing, which is promotingother people's products. And you receive a commission anywherefrom 5%, all the way up to 90%. Normally around 40 50% is a good,healthy affiliate commission range. And so the thing I wantedto emphasize is that I, in the beginning did not haveany subscribers. I think I, as I started posting videos, I, youknow, a couple started to roll in, but I was really capitalizing on theviews when using those views to drive traffic to the affiliate digitalproducts I was promoting. And so specifically what I did backthen was I launched Jack a couple of products. So launch jacking means you capitalizeon the SEO traffic or the review traffic that is going togo to that product when itjust comes into the market. So for example, let's say back in the day we wantedto launch jack ClickFunnels just as an example, thinking back 10 yearsago, whenever it launched. 

            Okay. So you would make someYouTube videos reviewing the ClickFunnels product as soonas the product launches, because that's when people are themost prone to go to YouTube and to go to even Google and type inClickFunnels review, is it legit? Is it a good tool? And so that's what I did with one productis I launched jacked it and I got so many views so quickly to mychannel and that saved me. I was able to make a good amount ofmoney within the first 30 days of that product being launched because I hadreview videos set up for that product. And so people were clicking on myaffiliate link and it was really awesome. And I was like, yes, I can finallybreathe a little bit. And you know, and not have to get and go back to anine to five job because I was months jacking affiliate products.Okay. So hear me out, let's say you, your channel is making $2per thousand views with Google AdSense. I mean, that's not a whole lot, but let's say you're driving thoseviews to an affiliate product, which costs about $30. So let's say that yourtraffic converts at 1%, 1% is very reasonable. So1% of a thousand is 10. So 10 times 30 sales, that's $300. That's $200 per thousand views youmade instead of just $2. Right? And so that's the power ofaffiliate marketing. 

            And so quickly, let's look at an example on YouTube ofa channel that hardly has any subs and a lot, a lot of use and is killingit with affiliate marketing. Okay. So if I Google or YouTubetop baby rocking chairs, we see here that thisvideo is pretty much the first to pop up in thefirst page of YouTube. And so what's interesting aboutthis channel is when you click on it. Okay. It's, it's, it's a top 10channel. Anybody could do this. Okay. When you click on itit's a very ugly banner. It's horrible branding butit works and they only have 205 subscribers, and they're not even telling people tosubscribe to the channel, to the channel. They're just posting review, video traffic or creatingreview video videos on different products. And so if we go down,here's the baby rocking chair. And when we look at it here, this video has 36,000 views, top five best baby rocking chairsto buy in 2020 baby bouncer. So this is really cool becauseit's a very simple video very straightforward. And what you notice down here is theyhave the affiliate links to all of the rocking chairs that they talk about inthis video. So let's assume for example, that this YouTube channel, their traffic is convertingat 1%. So then that would, and what, how much does a, arocking chair costs for example? 

        So a 1% of 36,000 is 360. So if we take 360 times, I'm just going to say $50 becausemaybe that's how much a baby rocking chair costs onaverage that's $18,000. So that's potentially therevenue that this person, this creator is looking at for,for this video potentially. And that's just assuming one product, that's just doing the mathfor one product and not five. And this channel does not care aboutsubscribers. It's all about the views. So if you put together thesereview videos correctly, you could make some serious cash. And as I mentioned in the beginningwith what I did with the launch jacking, it works, the review traffic works. That's what the whole point of YouTubeand Google it. So that's an example. Okay. So that's just one style of reviewtype of video that you can do to really attract some traffic and views withaffiliate marketing, leveraging YouTube. The other popular kindsare things like versus, so maybe how this makeup brandversus this makeup brand. And that's very popular as well becauseI see it all the time in the digital marketing industry, for example, when a new tool comes out like Kartraor an email marketing tool or something like that, it'll say like Kartraversus ClickFunnels Kartra versus MailChimp Kartra versus whatever, because people are looking at all ofthese individual products and they want to compare them to other products thatare out there on the market. 

        And then, so the next style of videothat you could do is best of, so not too long ago, I bought a very heavy dutybackpack because I need itfor day travel or whenever I'm walking into a cafe, orwhenever I'm flying on a plane, I need a lot of space within the backpack. So I bought a 31 liter backpack andit's really nice cause it holds two laptops, my cameras, all of my like electronics plusshoes and all this other stuff, it is a marvelous backpack. And what I was Googling waslike the best backpacks for traveling and work or somethinglike that. So the best of videos, those can attract a lot ofattention by themselves as well. And so the other type ofvideo is answering a question. So maybe you just got an iPhone 12, or maybe you're watching this in eightyears from now and you have the iPhone 32 or whatever. So you can create a video like does theiPhone 12 live up to its name is the blah, blah, better, whatever. So those types of videos are reallygreat because people want to know on the latest and greatest productslike, well, is it worth it? Is the price worth the value thatI plan to invest in this product? And that's why these videosperform super, super well. And so the next way to monetize YouTubewith little to no subs is with coaching. I've seen this over and over and over.So many students that are in our program, subscribers to the sales andother creators getting started, are able to monetize withoffering consulting becausethey know and are so good at one thing that people areinterested in working for them. And the consulting businessis so profitable that ifyou're putting out value on certain topics, topics that solvea problem like Logan Trudel, he's actually a student and a participantin our subscribers to sales program and a friend of mine. He isHealthcare Stress Relief, that's the name of his YouTube channel. And what's really cool aboutLogan is he started with nothing. 

        He started from the bottom withzero and he posted, you know, five YouTube videos hadno clue what he was doing. He was just takingimperfect action, right? And it was really cool because he toldme with only like 300 subs in very little views that he had his first client. And it's a very simple system to set up. If you want to charge for coaching, all you gotta do is leave a calendarlink for people to book, you know, a sales call or an introductory callwith you. Like he has in his description. He has a calendar link to book acall with him. And then on that call, he encourages people to sign up withhim for his coaching services because he knows he can solve a problem. He's beenthere, he's been a burnt-out nurse. He's had eczema due to theextreme environments becauseof the nursing industry. And so he overcame a lot in his industry. And so he's able to help out all nursesaround the world with career change, how to improve betterself love and self care. That's his purpose and his passion.He has an incredible story. And so he's convertinghis views to sales, right? And the small amount ofsubscribers that he did have, he converted them to sales. So it'spretty phenomenal how it works, how you can share theknowledge that you have. And you can help people withchallenges that you've overcome. Put it out there on a YouTube videoand people will start to flock to your YouTube channel and you can monetize it. And it doesn't have to be likea certification expertise. You have to have a college degree.It could be a life experience. Another example that comes to mindis a friend of mine. And Gary, Gary was somebody who has twochildren. He's a guy in his fifties. And at one point he lost histwo sons. He lost communication. He lost contact for three years. So now his mission is to help allfathers who have lost contact with their children, overcome depression and anxiety and takethe right steps to reconnecting with them and to re-establishingthat relationship. So that as a particular lifeevent that happened to him, that he conquered and he knows thatmillions of other fathers have problems with. And so he's able to offer that consultingservice to other fathers out there that really, really need to lean onhim and that need his help. All right. So if you're enjoying thecontents of this video, why don't you go ahead and come overand join me in our free master class, all about the four step frameworkto a wildly profitable channel, starting from zero. Even if you have no subscribers and howyou can turn that channel into automated profits fast. So just click the linkright here. It's free to sign up, grab your spot and we'llsee you on that masterclass. 

Thanks a lots

1 facebook

2 youtube

3 google

4 gmail

5 amazon

6 weather

7 hotmail

8 translate

9 google translate

10 instagram

11 traductor

12 fb

13 whatsapp web

14 clima

15 cricbuzz

16 google maps

17 yahoo

18 maps

19 netflix

20 yahoo mail

21 ebay

22 you tube

23 twitter

24 tiempo

25 вк

26 yt

27 facebook login

28 погода

29 tradutor

30 outlook

31 переводчик

32 whatsapp

33 walmart

34 coronavirus

35 meteo

36 livescore

37 bbc news

38 news

39 previsão do tempo

40 satta

41 satta king

42 sarkari result

43 ютуб

44 roblox

45 google traduction

46 olx

47 satta matka

48 pinterest

49 restaurants

50 wetter

51 speed test

52 nba

53 ikea

54 одноклассники

55 hotels

56 home depot

57 google classroom

58 traduction

59 météo

60 linkedin

61 video

62 aliexpress

63 çeviri

64 hava durumu

65 google dịch

66 banco de venezuela

67 le bon coin

68 flipkart

69 g

70 matka

71 天気

72 яндекс

73 amazon prime

74 paypal

75 msn

76 face

77 y

78 google drive

79 bet365

80 google tradutor

81 mercado libre

82 fox news

83 cnn

84 traduttore

85 bild

86 airbnb

87 wp

88 craigslist

89 booking

90 globo

91 ترجمة

92 h&m

93 programme tv

94 daily mail

95 calculator

96 uol

97 skyscanner

98 traductor ingles español

99 google docs

100 ヤフー


Now I know of a YouTube channel that only has about a thousand subscribers,
but is making over $2 million per year. On that note,
we're going to be talking all about making a hundred,
$150 and way more money than that per day on YouTube without having any
subscribers. Because as we all know, or maybe you didn't,
you get paid from YouTube by views. It has nothing to do with subscribers.
And now going back to that channel that at a thousand subscribers,
they were producing over $2 million a year.
That particular person is an insurance agent.
So the tutorial content that he is making for his YouTube channel,
he's directing and funneling right to his insurance plans.
And you may be thinking, okay, great. Yeah,
that guy can get rich off selling his insurance plans.
But what about the rest of us now?
The general principle and the whole point of this video today is to not leave
the monetization strategy in YouTube's hands.
Especially if you are accounting on AdSense,
it is a system that you cannot control. And again,
there's a certain misconception that you need a million subscribers to create
a very profitable living from this YouTube platform. And you really don't.
That is the number one thing in myth that we're going to debunk today.
So if you're ready to make some YouTube cash and you have hardly any
subscribers, and you're just starting go ahead and type in the comments,
YouTube cash, and let's get started.
And to be sure to get a recap of everything that we go over today,
go ahead and download our subscribers to sales blueprint.
You can go ahead and find it up here, or the first link in the description,
which goes over things we talk about in today's video and the six steps to
creating a YouTube channel that grows fast Han that you could monetize and
create profits on autopilot.
And so the first way that we're talking about with creating an income with the
YouTube platform is with live streaming. Now live streaming is a very,
very powerful way to build instant trust with your viewers.
Even more so than prerecorded videos. Like the one I have now,
and by the end of the stream, people could be buying from you.
It happens all the time and we'll get into the ways to make money with live
streaming. And before we do, today's video is sponsored by BeLive. Now,
what is BeLive if you are a creator, a YouTuber or aspire to be,
and have a presence on one of the social media platforms,
if you're looking to take your live streams to the next level with a super
professional look, then BeLive is definitely for you.
Let me show you a thing or two BeLive is extremely simple to get started.
All you gotta do. You can click the link below to get started for free,
and then once you sign up, you don't have to download anything.
You're right here. You can connect your camera right away.
And here I am, you can see me. It was that simple.
It took me within seconds to get started.
So I love how one of the cool things about this is you can invite guests.
You can have up to four guests in your live stream.
I know that comes in handy because I know it can be a little bit nerve wrecking
when during doing a live stream by yourself and the other cool thing you can
share your screen.
So if you want to share your screen and demonstrate something.
So if I share my screen and I want to share, you know,
this Canva graphic that I recently made with my editing team,
I can do that and demonstrate whatever it is I want to demonstrate on a live
stream. That's very simple to do.
And the other thing that I really like down here is the branding feature.
So you can put a border,
you can change the background and you can have one of these features.
It's really, really cool.
And I love that because it gives a very personal touch to the live stream.
And so let's say you wanted to use, BeLive just to record a video.
You can later trim it and use that footage however you want to. Okay.
So the other thing too, is that when you're ready to go,
you can set the destination right here,
whether you want to host the live stream on YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn,
and then that's it.
You just go public and press play and you're ready to live stream.
So with the user-friendliness and all the options of all the different features
on BeLive, it makes it one of my favorite streaming applications.
And you can get started today and try all these premium features when you click
the link in the description below. And so,
as I mentioned in the beginning of this video, it's all about the views,
the audience, the smaller, the audience, the more engaged it could be,
and most likely will be and the more money you could make.
And so when we're talking about methods to make money with live streaming,
the first way is with an affiliate product,
your live stream could be all about one affiliate product,
or maybe five different affiliate products that you are talking about on the
live stream. You're interacting with the crowd,
and you're asking them maybe about their experience with this particular
but it is a quick way to drive traffic to your link in the description and make
money really fast with it. Because again, if you know, with affiliate marketing,
that when somebody clicks on your affiliate marketing link,
they will then get cookied to that link. So you want them to get the cookie.
So that way,
if they go to the page from your affiliate link and then come back at another
time, then that affiliate cookie code will always be with you.
So that is a really good way.
And then another way is if maybe you're promoting an affiliate product of
another creator or producer,
and you're promoting their service or something like that,
that could be considered a brand partnership or a JV, a joint venture.
So that's also a great way to make money with live streaming.
So picking a product that you don't have to create,
or that's not yours and promoting it and giving value and talking about it on
the live stream.
The other way to make money with live streaming is with donations. Now,
donations are really fun because it's basically deepening the relationship with
your audience. I know you're probably like, wait, how,
because you're asking for money,
but it really does because a lot of live streaming YouTubers have this thing
called a super chat.
So a super chat you as a viewer and the audience for example,
are able to pay and donate to the creator so that you can get to the top of the
chat and you can have your questions answered quicker.
It's like you get first priority in the attention of the creator.
People get to see you and you get to stay at the top.
And the other cool thing is that normally a creator can celebrate, like,
make a little noise and they get a donation from somebody.
And it's really cool because the more momentum you get in the more donations the
donations will just keep coming in and coming in.
And that is a really cool aspect about asking for donations on a live,
because really it's kind of like if you're giving out your knowledge on a live
stream, I mean, that takes work. That takes preparation.
So your audience won't have a problem donating to you.
And with that one,
live could be really profitable if you're receiving $5 donations up to
$20 donations,
and you never know the amount of people who will continue to donate.
And so don't be afraid to ask for donations because people are super generous
when it comes to donating for receiving the value that you have to give.
They appreciate it so much. So it shouldn't be something intimidating,
but donations are a surefire way to make money with live streaming. All right.
So the next way you can really jam out and make some cash with live streaming is
with memberships.
So by redirecting your viewers who are watching to a platform or to
another something, right, that'll make them into recurring paying customer.
Did I say that right? Recurring payment,
they'll be able to pay you on a recurring basis. Boom.
That's what I have in my notes. Okay. And so by them doing that,
they get some type of benefit, an extra benefit. So maybe in this membership,
you're providing a bi-weekly training or something like that.
Maybe you're providing you a little gift box.
Maybe you're providing behind the scenes content of you that nobody else can see
unless they opt into the membership. So if you think about Logan Paul,
one of the richest YouTubers ever, this man has a membership.
I think it's called Maverick club or something like that.
It's like 20 or $25 a month.
And he's like a millionaire off of his membership. And it's like,
you get exclusive access to him.
You get to be entered into contest that he gives away.
And so if you don't know what membership platform to go with in the beginning,
you can check out patreon.
It really great platform just for people getting started,
who want to have a cheaper membership. It's a really great option.
So basically the call to action during your live stream is to funnel people,
to opt in to the membership and tell them why,
tell them what the advantage is for them.
It'll most likely be a high converting live stream.
So another method to make money with live streaming is with live sales,
go figure,
but the way you would do this is with promoting something on the
live stream. So you would be demonstrating,
maybe it's close a physical product maybe it's hardware
or, you know,
maybe you're a woodworker and you have things you're demonstrating and you can
sell then in there on live.
And that's really powerful because people, once they know how to use something,
or once they know the quality of it, they're like, okay, cool. They trust it.
And they can buy from you and you can make the instant sale on the live stream.
So this could also be, this could be physical products,
but this could also be digital products. So maybe you're a graphic designer.
You have a graphics design pack that you can sell.
Maybe you have a done for you service. Maybe you say something like, Hey,
like I'm giving away X amount of coaching calls to the next 10 people who buy
a coaching call for 50% off or something like that. So just something where,
you know,
you'll be able to ask for the conversion live on the call and it makes it
easy for somebody watching to be able to opt in and buy whatever it is you're
promoting and demonstrating live on the screen. Okay.
So the second way to make some serious cash with YouTube with very little to no
subs is with affiliate marketing. Now affiliate marketing is,
I know we touched on it in the live streaming portion. However,
I wanted to be clear on just how profitable it could be back in the day two and
a half, three years ago, when I was in a situation where I was seriously broke,
my savings was almost gone.
I needed to make something happen fast or else I would have to go back and get a
nine to five job. I turned to affiliate marketing,
which is promoting other people's products.
And you receive a commission anywhere from 5%, all the way up to 90%.
Normally around 40 50% is a good, healthy affiliate commission range.
And so the thing I wanted to emphasize is that I,
in the beginning did not have any subscribers. I think I,
as I started posting videos, I, you know, a couple started to roll in,
but I was really capitalizing on the views when using those views to drive
traffic to the affiliate digital products I was promoting.
And so specifically what I did back then was I launched Jack a couple of
So launch jacking means you capitalize on the SEO traffic or the review
traffic that is going to go to that product when it just comes into the market.
So for example,
let's say back in the day we wanted to launch jack ClickFunnels just as an
example, thinking back 10 years ago, whenever it launched. Okay.
So you would make some YouTube videos reviewing the
ClickFunnels product as soon as the product launches,
because that's when people are the most prone to go to YouTube and to
go to even Google and type in ClickFunnels review, is it legit?
Is it a good tool?
And so that's what I did with one product is I launched jacked it and I got so
many views so quickly to my channel and that saved me.
I was able to make a good amount of money within the first 30 days of that
product being launched because I had review videos set up for that product.
And so people were clicking on my affiliate link and it was really awesome.
And I was like, yes, I can finally breathe a little bit. And you know,
and not have to get and go back to a nine to five job because I was months
jacking affiliate products. Okay. So hear me out,
let's say you, your channel is making $2 per thousand views with Google AdSense.
I mean, that's not a whole lot,
but let's say you're driving those views to an affiliate product,
which costs about $30.
So let's say that your traffic converts at 1%,
1% is very reasonable. So 1% of a thousand is 10.
So 10 times 30 sales, that's $300.
That's $200 per thousand views you made instead of just $2. Right?
And so that's the power of affiliate marketing. And so quickly,
let's look at an example on YouTube of a channel that hardly has any subs and a
lot, a lot of use and is killing it with affiliate marketing. Okay.
So if I Google or YouTube top baby rocking chairs,
we see here that this video is pretty much the
first to pop up in the first page of YouTube.
And so what's interesting about this channel is when you click
on it. Okay. It's, it's, it's a top 10 channel. Anybody could do this. Okay.
When you click on it it's a very ugly banner.
It's horrible branding but it works and they only have
205 subscribers,
and they're not even telling people to subscribe to the channel, to the channel.
They're just posting review,
video traffic or creating review video videos on different
products. And so if we go down, here's the baby rocking chair.
And when we look at it here,
this video has 36,000 views,
top five best baby rocking chairs to buy in 2020 baby bouncer.
So this is really cool because it's a very simple video very
And what you notice down here is they have the affiliate links to all of the
rocking chairs that they talk about in this video. So let's assume for example,
that this YouTube channel,
their traffic is converting at 1%. So then that would,
and what, how much does a, a rocking chair costs for example?
So a 1% of 36,000 is
So if we take 360 times,
I'm just going to say $50 because maybe that's how much a baby
rocking chair costs on average that's $18,000.
So that's potentially the revenue that this person,
this creator is looking at for, for this video potentially.
And that's just assuming one product,
that's just doing the math for one product and not five.
And this channel does not care about subscribers. It's all about the views.
So if you put together these review videos correctly,
you could make some serious cash.
And as I mentioned in the beginning with what I did with the launch jacking,
it works, the review traffic works.
That's what the whole point of YouTube and Google it. So that's an example.
Okay. So that's just one style of review type of video that you can do to really
attract some traffic and views with affiliate marketing, leveraging YouTube.
The other popular kinds are things like versus,
so maybe how this makeup brand versus this makeup brand.
And that's very popular as well because I see it all the time in the digital
marketing industry, for example,
when a new tool comes out like Kartra or an email marketing tool or something
like that, it'll say like Kartra versus ClickFunnels Kartra versus
MailChimp Kartra versus whatever,
because people are looking at all of these individual products and they want to
compare them to other products that are out there on the market. And then,
so the next style of video that you could do is best of,
so not too long ago,
I bought a very heavy duty backpack because I need it for day travel or whenever
I'm walking into a cafe, or whenever I'm flying on a plane,
I need a lot of space within the backpack.
So I bought a 31 liter backpack and it's really nice cause it holds two
laptops, my cameras,
all of my like electronics plus shoes and all this other stuff,
it is a marvelous backpack.
And what I was Googling was like the best backpacks for
traveling and work or something like that. So the best of videos,
those can attract a lot of attention by themselves as well.
And so the other type of video is answering a question.
So maybe you just got an iPhone 12,
or maybe you're watching this in eight years from now and you have the iPhone 32
or whatever.
So you can create a video like does the iPhone 12 live up to its name is the
blah, blah, better, whatever.
So those types of videos are really great because people want to know on the
latest and greatest products like, well, is it worth it?
Is the price worth the value that I plan to invest in this product?
And that's why these videos perform super, super well.
And so the next way to monetize YouTube with little to no subs is with coaching.
I've seen this over and over and over. So many students that are in our program,
subscribers to the sales and other creators getting started,
are able to monetize with offering consulting because they know and are so good
at one thing that people are interested in working for them.
And the consulting business is so profitable that if you're putting out value on
certain topics, topics that solve a problem like Logan Trudel,
he's actually a student and a participant in our subscribers to sales program
and a friend of mine. He is Healthcare Stress Relief,
that's the name of his YouTube channel.
And what's really cool about Logan is he started with nothing.
He started from the bottom with zero and he posted, you know,
five YouTube videos had no clue what he was doing.
He was just taking imperfect action, right?
And it was really cool because he told me with only like 300 subs in very
little views that he had his first client.
And it's a very simple system to set up.
If you want to charge for coaching,
all you gotta do is leave a calendar link for people to book, you know,
a sales call or an introductory call with you. Like he has in his description.
He has a calendar link to book a call with him. And then on that call,
he encourages people to sign up with him for his coaching services because he
knows he can solve a problem. He's been there, he's been a burnt-out nurse.
He's had eczema due to the extreme environments because of the nursing industry.
And so he overcame a lot in his industry.
And so he's able to help out all nurses around the world with career change,
how to improve better self love and self care.
That's his purpose and his passion. He has an incredible story.
And so he's converting his views to sales, right?
And the small amount of subscribers that he did have,
he converted them to sales. So it's pretty phenomenal how it works,
how you can share the knowledge that you have.
And you can help people with challenges that you've overcome.
Put it out there on a YouTube video and people will start to flock to your
YouTube channel and you can monetize it.
And it doesn't have to be like a certification expertise.
You have to have a college degree. It could be a life experience.
Another example that comes to mind is a friend of mine. And Gary,
Gary was somebody who has two children. He's a guy in his fifties.
And at one point he lost his two sons. He lost communication.
He lost contact for three years.
So now his mission is to help all fathers who have lost contact with
their children,
overcome depression and anxiety and take the right steps to reconnecting with
them and to re-establishing that relationship.
So that as a particular life event that happened to him,
that he conquered and he knows that millions of other fathers have problems
And so he's able to offer that consulting service to other fathers out there
that really, really need to lean on him and that need his help. All right.
So if you're enjoying the contents of this video,
why don't you go ahead and come over and join me in our free master class,
all about the four step framework to a wildly profitable channel,
starting from zero.
Even if you have no subscribers and how you can turn that channel into automated
profits fast. So just click the link right here. It's free to sign up,
grab your spot and we'll see you on that masterclass.

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